Unstandardized choropleth Maps are maps that display raw numbers instead of data based on percentages. This Unstandardized chropleth map is displaying the different church denominations throughtout the United States.
Unstandardized Choropleth Map
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Standardized Choropleth Map
A standardized choropleth map is a map that shows an average according to an area. In this standardized map the region of Candada is standardized according to zoned areas which are shaded according to the number of 14 year olds. This map was taken from http://www.statcan.gc.ca/
Lorenz Curve
The lorenz curve is basically a graph that shows values and outcomes according to percentages. Lorenz curves are popular when it comes to income and population. This map was taken from Lorenz Curve
Bivariate Choropleth Map
In a bivariate choropleth map two variables are displayed on a geographic map. In the map above counties are color coded according to percent of population who have to high school degree and percent of people who live in poverty. The lighter the state dictates more diplomas which lead to less people living in poverty.
Bivariate Choropleth Map
Bivariate Choropleth Map
Classed Choropleth Map
Classed choropleth maps is very similar to a thematic map. Data is being showed in a geographical format and in this particular classed choropleth map the states are shaded according to the median age of the states. The darker green the states, the higher the median.
Classed choropleth map
Classed choropleth map
Unclassed Choropleth Maps
Unclassed choropleth maps is data divided into classes to display information of an area. In this unclassed chloropleth map each state is a shade of red, brown, or blue according to people who use another word to classify soft drinks. The northern part of the U.S. says refers to softdrinks as "pop" while in the south the mojority call it "soda" or just plain coke.
Classed Choropleth Map
Classed Choropleth Map
Correlation Matrix
According to socialresearchmethods.net a correlation is a single number that describes the degree of relationship between two variables. In the matrix above it is displaying potential global climate change according to human activity, with those two being the variables. This graph was taken from ucar.image.edu
Box Plot
Box plots are a good way to represent different data on a scale. This picture above seperates the pay grades into 5 different categoriers and lables the average income of men to women in each grade. This photo was taken from http://www.information-management.com/issues/20050801/1033566-1.html
Range Graded Proportional Circle Map
Range graded proportional cirlce maps display information about a certain area through cirlces that vary in size. The map above is showing the different types of meat that were sent to bucheries from different places in France. This map was taken from https://www.e-education.psu.edu/geog486/l5_p5.html
Nominal Area Chloropleth Map
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Index Value Plot
Index value plots are a good way to represent a large numbers of data over time. This index plot came from themacrotrader.com and it is showing Russell's financial information over the last decade.
Index Value Plot
Index Value Plot
Triangular Plot
A triangular plot is a graph based on three variables which lead to a constant in an equelateral triangle. In this triangular plot sand, silt, and clay are plotted throughout the triangle depending on the texture. These types of graphs are mostly used in Geologic studies.
Triangular Plot
Triangular Plot
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Continuously variable proportional circle map
In this proportional circle map of western Europe the circles are divided into percentages displaying the age structures. Proportional circle maps are good maps to use when you have different variables representing different information.
Continuously variable proportional circle map
Continuously variable proportional circle map
Isopleth maps consist of lines connecting of equal value of distribution for a given theme such as rainfall and temperature. In this photo the acid rain was recorded and distributed on a map of the eastern U.S. The pH levels are represented by color with red being the highest and blue the lowest. Notice that in the Northeast where it is conjested, the pH is higher. Alot of the acid rain is formed in heavily populated areas and where big factories are located.
An Isopach map is a map that illustrates the variation of thickness of the rock and soils. This map was used when a person was contructing a well in Venezuela and the isopaches are displayed as red dashes. These types of maps display important information about a given area when drilling or digging out certain land. Also many marine biologist use these maps when studying the tectonic plates under the ocean floor.
Isohyets are lines drawn on a map that connect to represent equal rainfall. This type of recorded information is useful when researching rainfall in a relatively small area. If I were a farmer buying land I would look at a few graphs that contain Isohyets so I could get a brief background about the history of the rainfall in the area where I was purchasing the the land.
Isotachs are by definition, lines along by which the speed of the wind is consistant. They are usually lines on a consistant elevation or atmospheric pressure. The closer the Isotachs are together, the faster the wind is blowing. The photo above is a pattern that was recorded of the Great Plains.
LIDAR (light detection and ranging) is a type of remote sensing technology that measures properties of scattered light to find information about a distant target. They are said to be very accurate and give plenty more detail than most aerial photos. This is mostly used by scientist and environmentalist, the photo above is a measurement of the tree hight from the forrest floor.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Cartographic Animations
Cartographic Animations displays change in the map through video or computers. The change is shown overtime and is generally used by meteorologist when showing the weather. In this particular map it is showing the animation of the 2004 Indonesian tsunami, it was found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animated_mapping
Carographic Animation
Isoline Map
Isoline maps are similar to Isobars. They contain contour lines and can represnent a number of variables. It is usually a two dimensional representation a three dimensional model.
Isoline Map
Proportional Circle Map
Proportional circle maps show information in accordence to the size of the circles in the map. In this proportional circle map the circles represent accidents in certain areas in Europe. The bigger the circles the more the car accidents.
Proportional Circle Map
Dot Distribution Map
Dot distribution maps are very popular and easy to understand. In this dot distribution map above each dot represents 7,500 people. This 2000 census of the U.S. population distribution makes it easy to understand where the dense populations are in the United States. Most of the eastern part is dense while the midwest population is more spead out and picks up along the coast of California.
Dot Distribution Map
Hypsometric Map
Hypsometric maps made from digital elevation models. The pupose of these maps are to portray the land elevation through different colors. Generally the "higher the brighter".
Hypsometric Map
Hypsometric Map
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Cadastral Map
A cadastral map is a map which provides detailed information about property within a specific area. Some of these maps can contain rights, restrictions and responsibilities. The will also show land ownership and whose in control. Cadastral maps are usually and aerial photograph or drawing of a neighborhood or any other small piece of land.
Cadastral Map
Cadastral Map
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
A DOQQ is a digital image produced by the USGS. Because they have no scales they are not considered maps just simply an aerial photograph of a givin region. Features are represented in their true ground position, making direct measurement of distance, areas, angles, and positions possible.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
According to USGS, science for a changing world, a digital raster graphic (DRG) is a scanned image of a U.S. Geological Survey standard series topographic map, including all map collar information. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Universal Transverse Mercator projection. The horizontal positional accuracy and datum of the DRG matches the accuracy and datum of the source map. The map is scanned at a minimum resolution of 250 dots per inch, which is a very high resolution.
Isobars is a term mostly used in meteorology. It is defined as a line on a map connecting points of equal atmospheric pressure. Isobars can never cross or touch one another. In the map, meteorologist are able to locate where the high and low pressure areas are in the United States depending on how close the lines are.
Flow Map
A flow map is defined as "a mix of maps and flow charts, that show the movement of objects from one location to another, such as the number of people in a migration, the amount of goods being traded, or the number of packets in a network. This flow map shows the number foreigners who migrate to America. The thickness of the lines means the most. Asia having the most, and the Caribbean having the least.
Flow Map
Parallel Coordinate Graph
A parallel coordinate graph, according to wikipedia, is a common way of visualizing high-deminsional geometry and analyzing multivariate data. Lines are drawn in the back drop to show the set of points in a deminsional space.
Parallel coordinate graph
Parallel coordinate graph
A DEM, which stands for digital elevation model is a digital representation of a ground surface topography or terrian. They are mainly used for land surveying, geographical information systems, and relief maps. From the map above color indicates the elevation of the land. Brown the highest, blue indicates the lowest.
A cartogram is a presentation of statistical data in a geographical distribution on a map. There are three types of cartograms that have a very different way of showing attributes of geographic objects- Non-contiguous, Contiguous and Dorling cartograms. In the picture above it distributes the total amphibian population world wide.
Statistical Map
A statistical map gives specific stats of the functional time course over a period of time. It also represents elements pertaining to a theme or interest pertaining to an item, feature, or event.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Thematic Map
Thematic maps are very common. They are defined as a type of map or chart designed to show a particular theme connected with a specific geographic area. These maps can range from social, cultural, political, etc. In the map above, the states are color coated depending on population density by state.
Planimetric Map
Unlike a topographic map, which indicates both horizontal and vertical lines, the planimetric map map only indicates the horzontal lines. This map is useful for when map makers are drawing a map of small areas.
Planimetric Map
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Stem and Leaf Plot
A stem and leaf plot is used to sum up the shape of data. The stem and leaf plot that is shown above is a representation of class scores and where you placed in that class according to the other's score. They way you figure it out is, for example if you got 58/60, you could automatically tell that 3 people placed higher than you in that class. The stem and leaf plots are great ways for organzing large amounts of data in a simple format.
Stem and Leaf Plot
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Star plot
According to the Engineering Statistic Handbook website, star plot are a method of displaying multivariate data. Each star represents a single observation. Most of the time star plots are generated in a multi-plot format with many stars on each page and each star representing one observation.
Star plot
Star plot
Black and White Aerial Photo
This black and white aerial photo is of the Golden Gate bridge in San Fransisco, California taken in 1993. Aerial photos are ideal when it comes to map making and are also useful when it comes to observing the landforms and resources of a given area.
Black and White Aerial Photo
Black and White Aerial Photo
A climograph is a graph that shows monthly or annual rainfall in an area. In the graph above meteorologists have put together a climograph of Miami, Fl. Usually rainfall happens during the warmer months out of the year in the southeast, but opposite in the west. The total annual precipitaion in Miami averages 57.55 inches each year which is among the top in the U.S.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Infrared Arial Photo
Infrared images are very important when it comes to collecting information. In the picture above taken from a satallite, red represents the hot spots where the redfish population is very dense. This is very useful image to fisherman. Infrared images can also show changes in the the environment, give details about storms, and also they are used in helcopters to catch fugitives on the run.
Infrared Arial Photo
Infrared Arial Photo
Propaganda Map
Propaganda maps are used to pursuade a person one way or another. In the image above the cups are color coated and represents the U.S. accoding to obesity levels with black being the highest levels. This image is used to persuade people to stay away from fast food!
Propaganda map
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Population Profile
The graph above shows the number of males and females thorughout the years in the United States and is an example of a population profile. Population profiles can represent anything dealing with population of cities, states, countries, or regions.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Doppler Radar
Source: Doppler Radar
Topographic Map
Source: Topographic Map
Mental Map
A mental map usually refers to a persons perception of a real life area or location of a region. In the photo above, a mental map is drawn to to give the map reader an idea of his surroundings. These arent not meant to be 100% accurate but just a idea of something real life.
Mental map
Choropleth Map
This Choropleth Map is used to show the percentages of Hispanic or Latino per county in which they live. It is given that this map presents a clear example that the further south you go in Florida, the more the Hispanic/Latino population increases.
Source: Choropleth Map
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